15 August 2006

Weekend fun

Spent this past Sunday playing with the kiddos and introducing my girlfriend Marissa to the family. We've been dating for a few months and it was high time to meet the kinfolk. I was so glad we all got to hang out and spend some quality time. My brother Dave, sister Jaime & her husband Nick were also there, along with their little doggie Gage, so they all got to know Marissa a bit better, too. One of the things I love about her is that she gets along so well with anyone and everyone she meets. She's so sweet. Anyway, I think we all had a lot of fun together. We had a great dinner and played in the backyard with the trips, trying to teach them baseball. What a hoot. Wish I'd had my camera.
I sometimes wonder if, in my rush to put every little thing they do on film (or memory card), I miss being a dad. I turn into this photo-megalo-manic shooter guy who's watching light, colors and angles instead of noticing that Colin already has a strong throwing arm, or that Ben just swished that basket, or that Abby just smacked that ball into the upper deck. I'm trying to learn to savor those things "in the moment," as well as on camera. Dueling Dads in my head.
Or it could just be that imaginary friend that I never acknowledge.

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