02 July 2010

Growing up...

The triplets have a new rule that they can't say certain "naughty words," and if they're caught saying one, the offender owes a quarter to whomever caught them in the act.

A slice of conversation from yesterday's drive:

Colin: Abby! You owe me a quarter!
Abby: Colin! STOP telling me to give you quarters! Just STOP IT!
Colin: But I heard you... you said...
Abby: You are DEAF! For CRYING OUT LOUD!

I laughed for 20 minutes.

09 April 2010

Abby-ism of the Week

(Abby's uncle Spencer was bugging her.)

Abby: You're the second-most evil person in the world!
Spencer: Really? Who's the first?
Abby (disgusted): Satan.

Ah, youth. :)

08 April 2010

"I'm ONE today!"

Cameron Grace is a year old. Where did the time go?