22 May 2009

Potty pals

We took Warren and Diana to dinner at Mimi's last week for Warren's birthday. Had a lovely time. But the MOST fun, as always, was to be had when I took the boys to the bathroom. No, not that time right after we ordered... the SECOND time, halfway through the meal. :)

Side note: Anyone who knows Deaf kids knows they're the loudest kids on the block. It's neither good nor bad; it is what it is. Counterintuitive, I know, but it's true. :)

SO... There are two stalls. One for each of the boys. Colin's bum hits the seat and he immediately starts singing "I Am A Child Of God" in his adorable Deaf accent as he waits for things to... ahem... get going.

After a few lines, Ben shouts from the next stall (in HIS adorable Deaf accent): "Be hwiat, Howin! I hwying to doh POTTY!"

The random dude at the sink washing his hands had a GOOD laugh.

Love my darling boys.

1 comment:

Jami said...

That is too funny! They're so cute!