I was completely, totally and otherwise freakishly addicted to this show.
And now that I step back and attempt to analyze it with an objective eye (which, as we all know, is the real purpose of a blog... self-psychoanalysis), I see that I'm not as in love with it as I thought I was.
Sure, the performances were entertaining, and everyone from the final six or so had real talent, but this "band" Supernova is a super joke.
Former Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee, ex-Metallica bassist Jason Newsted and fired Guns 'N' Roses guitarist Gilby Clarke are, in large part, just plain lame. After each performance, while Gilby and Jason attempted some cerebral advice (why we're giving them any credit, I don't really know), Tommy would say how much he wished that the girls were wearing less clothing. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for that: it's just that his blathering makes for really bad TV. And you just know they'll pick that loser Lukas instead of the fun & charismatic Toby or the intensely engaging Magni. Dilana - love ya, but ya got no shot.
Point being, Supernova sucks. I'd rather hear their "House Band" over Supernova. Sure, those washed-up has-beens can play and all, but they're boring and just formulaic at best. Toby or Magni could infuse some real heart or soul, respectively, into an otherwise crap-sounding piece of rubbish... but I just KNOW they'll pick Lukas.
I hate summer TV.
Boston Legal, save us! (Season premiere next week!)
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