Marissa and I are proud to announce that we're expecting a baby GIRL in the spring! We are all very excited! Marissa is about 21 weeks along, and mom & baby are doing great. Due date is April 3.There was some debate among the triplets over whether it "should" be a boy or a girl. Abby wants a baby sister, and of course the boys want a baby brother. Colin, ever the peacemaker, came up with a self-proclaimed "great" idea:"I know... there could just be two in there!"Um... been there, done that. What a cute boy he is. And what a cute big brother he'll be!
The triplets have a reward system for obedience, chores and good deeds. Every time they do something worthy, they get a little "rock" (those small colored glass stones you see in craft stores). When they've collected enough "rocks," they can "trade them in" for prizes: usually a cool new toy or something like that.Mom & the triplets were reading scriptures one night. If the kids pay attention & can answer a question at the end of the reading, they get a "rock."They were reading about apostles and the question was raised: "Can anyone name an apostle? Past or present?"After thinking about it, each of the kids replied in turn (between GALES of laughter from everyone):Ben: "Charlie?"(explosive laughing)Abby: "I know, I know! Ooky-dorf!" (Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the LDS First Presidency)(insane laughing)Colin: "Uncle Ben?"(volcanic laughing)Needless to say, sides ached and love abode. And Abby got a rock.
I love being a dad.