We were to have the kids today, but the boys are sick with head colds, aggravated asthma, and probably two or three other illnesses that they pass around during the winter. We didn't pick up Abby because she was worried about the boys. "What if they need me?" she said. Cute.So, I called the kids today to chat with them for a little while. After talking with Abby, she passed the phone to the boys, saying, "Boys, Dad wants to talk to you! Talk to Dad, because he's worried about you... so VERY worried."The cutest mother hen I've even known.
The boys are lucky to have such a loving sister... as lucky as I AM to have such a lovely daughter who is beautiful is every way.
Both Ben and Colin have Usher syndrome. The boys' latest eye tests show that their vision is worse than ever. Ben's retinitis is such that he now officially qualifies as "deaf-blind" in the state school system. He's almost completely night-blind and has lost much of his peripheral vision. Colin is trending the same way, but his condition is not nearly as advanced as Ben's. In January Ben's school teacher & specialists will begin teaching him to use "the cane" in case he loses his eyesight sooner than normal (between ages 15-20). Colin will learn the cane with Ben, so they can at least do it together. The odds are about 50-50 that he'll lose his eyesight completely.
We always knew it could happen. It's just happening sooner than normal... by about a decade.Ben's such a good boy... and a strong, tough one, too. We're grateful to family & friends for well-wishes, thoughts & prayers.