"If you please to plant yourself on the side of Fate, and say, Fate is all; then we say, a part of Fate is the freedom of man. Forever wells up the impulse of choosing and acting in the soul. Intellect annuls Fate. So far as a man thinks, he is free."
30 June 2006
27 June 2006
Viva Espana!
Key World Cup match today. I hope Spain crushes France like the scaredy-frogs they are. That said... I still enjoy the NFL, NBA, tennis & golf more than the World Cup. :)
Spain lost to France, 3-1... and I'm officially done with soccer for four more years... or at least until the trips start playing. Actually, I'll start training them up now... the photo ops are priceless.
22 June 2006
World Cup soccer... whatever.
Yeah, I played soccer as a kid. Big deal. It was fun. It's a suburban sport in the U.S., and kids enjoy it, but it's far from mainstream, and that lack of professional interest (and MONEY) keeps America in the back of the pack in the World Cup, and it probably always will.
America's best athletes play football, basketball & baseball. Some few folks play hockey, run track, ski, or play extreme sports. The simple fact is, America is a "big kid" now. We grew up. We play sports with our hands now. Come on, Rest Of The World, join us. Really, it's OK, and it's WAY more fun.
When the best athlete on the U.S. soccer team is 5'8", 145 lbs, you know it's gonna be a LOOOOONG tournament (or at least, it will SEEM that way, since we're always assured an early exit). Soccer players are obviously not the best we have to offer on the international sports scene.
So get over it, American Soccer Fan. It's over. Breathe.
Besides... college football is just weeks away!
21 June 2006
My fading memory
Last night, as I calmly informed my fellow castmates of "Once Upon A Mattress" that there was no show tonight, they mocked me as a tease. I was shocked. I couldn't believe that the same people I'd spent the last several weeks with, spilling our blood, sweat & various other bodily fluids together, were these same people acting so incredulous. I passionately defended my claim, even in the face of all of the doubters... and as I made my way around the backstage seeking support, everyone seemed to be "in on the joke." Nobody, I mean NOBODY believed me. So finally, feeling unjustly defeated, I checked with the director. Why, yes, said he, of course we had a show tomorrow. Of course? OF COURSE?! What about what you said, about us having Wednesday off? Uh, I never said that.
So much for my "steel-trap" memory.
The show must go on!
So much for my "steel-trap" memory.
The show must go on!
Jaime & Nick Snow
19 June 2006
"The Lady Abigail"
Abby came to see the play on Saturday, with dozens of other princesses, knights and parents. This show isn't really a kids' show, but they seemed to enjoy the costumes, sets and dancing... and meeting Sir Harry, the King, the Jester (or, the Joker), the Prince and the Princess. Thanks and props to Grandma Debbie for sitting with her and filling her full of sugar... AND keeping her under control during the show! Another theater fan in the making!
16 June 2006
"We have an opening for a princess..."
05 June 2006
Happy Birthday Celina!
My cousin Burris has a daughter named Celina, and she just turned SEVEN! Everyone seemed to have a lovely time... except maybe Grandpa Roger, who tried without much success to teach the triplets to close the back door when they go in and out of the house. :) Please send the energy bill this month to Trips' Mom! (tee hee)
02 June 2006
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