Has anyone ever seen this show? This should be on every night. ABC should ride this horse like Zorro until it dies, just like they did to Millionaire. (Ugh.) Well, not until it dies. ABC will kill it if they move it to another stinking night. So do the right thing, ABC. Don't touch "Boston Legal."
David E. Kelley is the show’s creator and head writer. I know, he uses “Boston” for a political platform and routinely abuses his fantastic characters by making them take some heroic stand against this cause or that right-wing rich boy – and the Republican foil is merely a caricature at best (Denny Crane), but the guy makes some interesting points. Plus, Alan and Denny get away with everything, and it's an absolute RIOT to watch.
Ah, the consequence-free life of Alan Shore and Denny Crane. Unrealistic, you say? You would be right.
But come on, it’s a TV show. That’s why I watch – to escape reality for just a little while. I’m sure Hugh Laurie is a great guy, probably quite a good conversationalist, and he’s British to boot, so the accent alone would be cool. But, if Dr. House showed up at my door, I’d kick him in his bad leg and laugh my arse off, because House is the consummate JERK.
People, IT’S A FREAKING TV SHOW. It’s entertaining to watch these guys and their jerky habits. I’m not imitating them. I’m just inspired by them, that’s all.
(DISCLAIMER – Abby, Ben & Colin – Don’t ever be mean to people.)
OK, moving on…
First, Alan Shore (James Spader). The guy’s morally bankrupt (or is he?), he plays by his own rules, he’s not afraid to chase the hot woman, the big client, the big cause. He bends the law to work for him. Women want him because he’s verbose. Lives in a hotel. Admits his fears (night terrors, clowns) to his friend. NEVER plays completely by the rules.
Denny Crane (William Shatner). DENNY CRANE. ‘Nuff said.
Denise Bauer (Julie Bowen). Hot, vulnerable blonde. Also, ‘nuff said.
Shirley Schmidt (Candace Bergen). She had been out of TV for way too long. Beautiful, talented senior partner, takes BS from no one, has clever and meaningful retort for everyone.
Brad Chase (Mark Valley). As he puts it, “Lawyer, Marine… I’m the whole package.”
Guest stars Michael J. Fox, Parker Posey and Jeri Ryan made the last few episodes particularly memorable. But the show is nothing without Spader and Shatner. The two-time Emmy award winners are OWNING it, and I hope ABC doesn’t screw this up and move them to yet another night and time.