I had a lovely time today being the subject of a hair makeover on Salt Lake's favorite morning variety show, "Good Things Utah." The Sanctuary Day Spa treated me to a full-body massage, haircut & hair color... all for free! I felt a bit guilty because I'm not used to just sitting back and having people do things for me like that - I think that once one has kids, one gets used to working ALL THE TIME, and kicking back just doesn't happen. But it was so nice to kick back for a day. Very nice people, a lovely rubdown and a really great haircut. I went on the show for a "before & after" segment and had a good time catching up with all of the hosts of the show and chatting with them about my relaxing day. Thanks to Mandi, Trudy, Camille and EVERYONE at Sanctuary Day Spa in the South Towne Mall... a wonderful experience.

My daughter Abby was a little hesitant about my haircut at first... they cut NINE inches of hair (used to look like Viggo Mortensen in Lord of the Rings, just without the chiseled good looks), and she was a bit perturbed because, in her words, "Dad, we're the same!" But when she saw the short "do" and I asked if she liked it, she said, "Yes, it's like Ben and Colin (her brothers and fellow triplets). Yes, it's nice." Just reassures me that all I'll ever need from my babies is their love and approval. Fatherhood is entirely wonderful.